(i) Monografies / tesis científiques

Arnaus Gil, L. 2013. La selección copulativa y auxiliar: las lenguas romances (español - italiano - catalán - francés) y el alemán en contacto. Su adquisición en niños bilingües y trilingües. Tübingen: Narr Verlag.

(ii) Articles internacionals amb peer-review

Rizzi, S., L. Arnaus Gil, V. Repetto, J. Müller & N. Müller. 2012. Adjective placement in bilingual Romance-Romance and Romance-German children with special reference to Romance (French, Italian and Spanish). En Studia Linguistica.

(iii) Articles en compil·lacions de conferències (proceedings)

Arnaus Gil, L. (en progrés). Spanish copula constructions with adjectives. What monolingual, bilingual and trilingual acquisition tell us about the syntactic derivation of ser and estar. In J. Rothman (Eds.), Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Arnaus Gil, L. (presentat). Acquisitional advantages of simultaneous 3L1 trilingual children: the Spanish copulas SER and ESTAR. In Selected Papers of the Eighth International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism.

Patuto, M., M. Hager, L. Arnaus Gil, N. Eichler, V. Jansen, A. Schmeißer & N. Müller. 2012. Multilingual speech: The case of code-switching in bilingual children. To appear in A. Koll-Stobbe, A. & S. Knospe (Eds.) Third Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization (LCTG3). Peter Lang, New York.

Arnaus Gil, L., N. Eichler, V. Jansen, M. Patuto & N. Müller. 2012. The Syntax of Code Switching and the Left Periphery of DPs: Mixed DPs Containing an Adjective. Evidence from Bilingual Child Language. In K. L. Geeslin & M. Díaz-Campos (Eds.), Proceedings from the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2010. Sommerville: Cascadilla Proceedings, 242-257.

(iv) Capítols en llibres

Arnaus Gil, L. 2013. Chapter 9: Intrasententiales Code-Switching zwischen Adjektiv und Nomen. In Müller, N., L. Arnaus Gil, N. Eichler, V. Jansen, M. Patuto & V. Repetto, Code-Switching: Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr (per publicar).

Arnaus Gil, N. Eichler, V. Jansen, M. Patuto & V. Repetto, Code-Switching: Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr (per aparèixer).

Müller, N. & L. Arnaus Gil. (en progrés). The acquisition of Spanish in 2L1 children. In T. Judy & S. Perpiñán (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language: Data From Unterstudied Language Pairings. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Müller, N., L. Arnaus Gil, N. Eichler, V. Jansen, J. Müller, M. Patuto & A. Schmeißer. (in preparation). Language dominance as a bilingual strategy. In Silva-Corvalán, C. & J. Treffers-Daller (Eds.) on Language dominance and Bilingual Ability. Cambridge University Press.